There's nothing like having flowers delivered right to your door! Want to be surprised with some flowers to add to your garden? Need a gift for someone for their birthday, memorial, or just because; this box would be an excellent choice!
We will hand select three (3) or six (6) #1 gallon perennial outdoor plants that would have a variety of uses including in planters and in your garden. If you have any questions, please let us know.
A few items that could arrive in your order, but not limited to, are the following:
Delosperma "Ice Plant", Casears Brothers Iris, Liatris Kobold Blazing Star, Chrysanthemum "Snow Cap Daisy", Coreopsis "Tickseed", Dianthus, Echinacea "Coneflower", Hemerocallis "Daylilies", Nepeta Junior Walker Catmint, Lavandula, Penstemon Blackbeard, Rudbeckia, Sedum "Stonecrop", Veronica Pink Candles, Veronica Sunny Border Blue