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Frequently Asked Questions

frequently asked questions

How does your order process work?
1. Choose the plants that best fit your needs.

2. View Your Cart. Makes sure your order Is correct. Then check out.

3. SPRING SHIPPING FOR 2022 WILL BEGIN THE WEEK OF MARCH 7th. If you'd like to pre-order you can also select a week you'd like your order to be shipped at check out.  

When ordering after March 2nd you should expect it to be shipped within 7-10 days (weather may affect shipping times).  Most Orders will be shipped on Monday or Tuesday. You will receive a tracking number by email or text once your order is shipped.  If you choose to have your order shipped at a later date this should be selected at checkout.

4. Package will be delivered to the shipping address.

5. Start Planting!!! Enjoy.
How do I cancel my order?
Cancellations must be received by email within 6 hours of payment processing for a refund.
Can you recommend a plant for my landscape or make recommendations for a gift?
Absolutely.  You are welcome to email or call us with any questions and we will help you to the best of our knowledge.
What if I'm looking for a particular plant and it isn't listed on your website?
We have a wide variety of plant material and not everything is listed on our online store. If you are looking for something in particular, feel free to reach out to us. We just might have what you are looking for.
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